Little Scholars Daycare recognizes each child as an individual little person. It is essential that a child development is nurtured through caring, patience and understanding. It is always a challenge to provide the proper discipline for each child individually, but by providing a simple explanation to limits, each child will develop the communication skills necessary for their early childhood development. Projecting a positive attitude is essential in reinforcing appropriate behavior. Young children do not develop well when they are pressured, frightened, threatened or punished. As the parent, you may have some concerns or wish to offer suggestions and we will welcome them. Little Scholars will put their best to follow the same guidelines and limits that you may have already set and you can take comfort in knowing. We will offer the best care possible for your child.

Our Child Guidance and Discipline Policy will be re-examined every 3 years or by receipt of new information regarding of Best Practice.

Discipline Must Be:

  •  Individualized and consistent for each child.
  • Appropriate to the child’s level of understanding
  • Directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior and self-control

For Infants & Toddlers:

For children under “2, 1/2” years of age, we act mostly as moderators, guiding them away from any behaviour that may occur among children at this age (i.e. pushing, grabbing, pinching, hitting). We strive to teach values such as sharing, respect for others (and themselves), and the importance of being gentle.

For Pre-Schoolers:

  • Clarity – We state clear messages, give children choices, we will not add the word “OK”, we will make only sincere comments.
  • Limits, Boundaries, Children’s Expectations and Consequences – We only enforce legitimate rules (which are posted on the wall), have a consistent routine, and use only natural and logical consequences.
  • Staff Conduct – We will model appropriate behaviour in speech, model appropriate behaviour in action, be aware of our tone of voice and body language, be supportive of each other, and know the stages of child development. (Daycare will ensure that all staff receives the necessary training to implement positive discipline methods).

Children interactions with one another will be carefully watched so that they learn to respect one another. Under no circumstances will children be humiliated, neglected, isolated, spoken to in a harsh manner, deprived of food or other basic needs, slapped or spanked.

If any staff member uses any of these methods with a child, they will receive one warning. A second instance will result in immediate dismissal.


A caregiver may only use positive methods of discipline and guidance that encourage self-esteem, self-control, and self-direction, which include:

  • Using praise and encouragement of good behaviour
  • Reminding the child of behaviour expectations with clear, positive statements

In Disciplining Any Children At Little Scholars, We Will Use These Steps

  • Encouragement/Positive Reinforcement: Children of any age, through encouragement and positive feedback can and will be guided towards acceptable behaviour. This reinforces a child’s self-esteem.
  • Intervention and Discussion: Discussion of problem solving ideas and options can help children learn to make better choices in any foreseeable situation.
  • Redirection: It is most effective to offer alternatives to the children should undesirable behaviour occur. Redirecting the child’s attention to another toy, play area or activity, while keeping them amongst the group can be helpful.
  • Take a Break: Should discussion/redirection be ineffective, the child may be asked to sit slightly apart from the group with the help of a caregiver. The child will be provided the opportunity to relax and calm down and talk quietly with the caregiver about their actions and how they can make a better choice.
  • Loss of Privilege: Should the supervised break be ineffective, and the child shows no understanding of the rules, a consequence may be imposed. This will take the form of a natural consequence of the behaviour.

Parents will be informed of any action taken.